Creation of a Welcome Email to the Acumbamail list


Let’s see, my weapon, you already have a new subscriber and you are not even going to welcome him… but you are crouching? Yes, like “crazy summer”… Nope! We must give a welcome that makes

Email Marketing Course for Bloggers with Acumbamail


My Email Marketing Course for Bloggers with Acumbamail , now free and open to the public. 10 Videos in a public YouTube playlist. Hello! How is everything? Good? I hope so! I do, pretty good.

Mastering Product Leadership


If a new version of that product exists Mastering Product (with stock) at a new. Stay Informed. URL, the ideal would be to redirect the old product to the new one. Don’t forget to indicate

Stay Informed Product Trends


If a new version of that product exists (with stock) at a new Stay Informed. URL, the ideal would be to redirect the old product to the new one. Don’t forget to indicate in the

The Product Guru’s Guide


Will be back in stock? If The Product. Is going to be restocked soon, leave the tab active and include a message. Explaining that there is no stock and indicating an estimated replenishment date. Furthermore,

Boost Your Business Using Avon Business


If you are into Avon direct selling business, you need to know how to come up with. Boost Your a nice marketing technique so you can progress faster in the business since there are lots

Digital Marketing and Social Media articles


You have come to this blog and you don’t know which are the most interesting articles of 2021.Don’t worry, here are the best .Digital Marketing 2021 articles on the blog to speed up that search