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The lover of long agreements

Back from Jerusalem and a Thursday working with our colleagues from Israel, arriv at the hotel chosen for me in front of the Tel Aviv beach, I see that a message is waiting for me, immiately jutting out above the featureless froth of ordinary emails: Christiane Alberti announces the death of Bernard This and warns me of the ceremony the following day long agreements .

Why does the fatal news invade me and overwhelm me on these shores where History flows, sands full of signs, recruits from the eras of the world? Was it necessary that it be there, in front of the sea that marks Jaffa to the south lit up in the sky, on a land that informs me too much that I will not close my eyes of the night, or so little, or so badly, until the hour of his funeral comes, where I will not be? My thoughts are alone.

Bernard This long agreements  having pass away

will no longer animate his considerable erudition, which left many of us speechless with admiration. With him gone, a man of innumerable enterprises, a generosity withdraws from the spectacle of things. Is it this, with the pain of interrupt sympathies, which explains to me the causes of an intensity of feeling which almost astonishes me.

But what! Bernard was  accurate clean numbers list from frist database not my age, nor that of my comrades. He had endur and known a war from which our parents’ generation was emerging. How to make intelligible and to cross the thickness of a pain, which simple reason and average understanding of elementary motives do not justify? Sadness, in fact, does not spontaneously add itself to the frighten  i mean the lack of a computer silence that accompanies the departure of essential witnesses. So? I knew from the pain felt that Bernard, the great elder, was much more than a witness who saw the old struggles,

heard the first harangues, and took his share of this inaugural splendor of the beginnings evok by the pen of a capital contemporary of Doctor Lacan in his Tristes tropiques .

How to make friends with his

who were ask to address him informally, delight by the fraternal offer of an incomparable familiarity, because it was free from the shamelessness of outpourings. A great elder who knew how to make friends with his be numbers  younger brothers, strong like no other in an aptitude for transforming his frenzy for knowlge and the joy of his joyful taste for sharing them into ardent affection. Apparently unconcern with common prudence, his pleasure in learning and transmitting seem to pay no attention to reasonable warnings, similar to those that could be read on the margins of these ancient cartographies, which jealously guard the border of their obscure lands with an intimidating and solemn: hie sunt leones .

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