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Places to welcome young children

The passing of Bernard This is an opportunity to recall – and perhaps for some to learn – the essential place he had in the reception of babies and young children. A pioneer in the renovation of this reception during the 1960s, he was until recently a major player in the transformation of practices and systems – notably through his numerous works welcome young  .

It is as a psychoanalyst, holding together, knotting, intension and extension that he interven in this field. He was able to transmit in action for generations of professionals and volunteers what the analytical discourse has brought to light and introduc anew into civilization.

He had report  welcome young  on his participation

in the creation of the Maison Verte , with Françoise Dolto, in a reference work La maison verte , créer des lieux d’accueil (Belin, Paris, 2007).

This famous place locat in Paris has spread throughout France, where there are now hundrs of child-parent reception centers, and beyond in the French-speaking world. T

his work presents in a lively  phone number list way, support by the very singular enunciation that was his, the movement that l to the founding of the Maison Verte , but also its birth, and its first years of life.

These places are still today spaces shelter from the evaluation that is also rampant in the fields of early childhood and  i want to make a quality marketplace support for “parenthood” where CBT flourishes. In these child-parent reception centers, psychoanalysis has a central place, and the action of Bernard This has a lot to do with it.

At the heart of Bernard

This’s commitment, in this experience, there is the function of speech in the field of language as that which gives birth to the subject, serv by this attention which characteriz him, always precise and never precious, to  be numbers language, to words, to the signifier. There is also the central place given to enjoyment, to satisfaction, to the joy that we can find in what makes our work.

His commitment to the

From his latest work, we can mention: the petition and the movement “No zero conduct for three-year-old children” against the expertise of Inserm on “conduct disorder”, the Kirikou center in the 19th arrondissement of Paris and finally the CPCTs that he saw as part of this opening of psychoanalysis of Lacanian orientation, in touch with its time, towards the city.

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