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I wanted to make a quality marketplace

A year ago, when the idea appeared,. It was clearly about business and its financial component. Performers find customers, customers find performers. We met, shook hands, held a set of coaching sessions. We received an agent percentage. Everyone is satisfied and happy.

The longer we live with the project

The more we understand that the portal has many more possibilities than we initially planned. Now it is already the history of the community. We have high-quality performers who are ready to work with business. There are also coaches who are just turning into excellent specialists. Together with associations and business schools, we are ready to help build their successful careers.

Never lose sight of your idea. Keep the final picture in your mind, believe in it

Don’t be afraid to put your telegram number list project out into the world. That’s the only way it will have a chance to live.
Don’t give in to difficulties. Learn to quickly adapt to the situation. Remain steadfast but flexible.
Remember that the real project is much more than the initial idea. Let it grow and grow with it.
We all live in an era of change, and change management is a special skill that is essential for an entrepreneur.


Like many quality marketplace companies, Visotsky Consulting holding switched to remote work in March 2020. If earlier the offline and online ratio was 70 to 30%, now it is the opposite. I will tell you what difficulties we faced, how we overcame them and why this work format turned out to be successful for us.

Why remote work?

The transition of the majority how to apply the agile model of the Visotsky Consulting holding to remote work occurred during the quarantine. I quality marketplace will not say that this was completely new to adb directory us: back in  2018, we launched a division that worked exclusively online. In 2020, our company became 70% online, but we still did not completely abandon physical offices. This is due to the specifics of providing our consulting programs.


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