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A website has been created

A scoring algorithm for selecting coaches has been implement. We have test it a hundr times. It works! with the ability to register a personal account for coaches and business representatives. All legal issues have been resolv, an LLC has been open. Funds have been allocat for the launch. This is the most exciting step: from the shadows into the light, where you will be closely watch by future clients, competitors, and your close and distant circle.

Having nurtur the project for 9 months

We launch in November 2021.  creat and began filling social mia profiles with content, set up target and contextual advertising. e wrote several advertising articles in specializ communities. We set aside three months to test the idea in real conditions.

Unfortunately, we did not start as quickly as we want. When the first registrations on the platform began, technical problems arose. We fix everything in real time, without stopping work. Thanks to feback from the first clients, bottlenecks were  on the site, in personal accounts. We understood the most important thing: more time is ne for clients to believe in the project.

In the first couple of months

We manag mainly thanks to the europe cell phone number list personal brands of the co-founders. At first, registrations on the portal and contracts were conclud almost manually. We accompani users at every stage of working with the platform.

When performers  created and customers start to learn a little more about our project, the responses were amazing, even to the point of “finally you are here!” There is still not enough information about us. We understand that we ne to tell, tell and tell. In this business sector, people are us to working by word of mouth, and this must be taken into account.

Consider the traditions that have

Develop in your been created some popular agile methods niche. On the one hand, this will help you stand out from your adb directory competitors. On the other hand, you can use the develop schemes as the basis for your marketing tools.



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