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Some popular Agile methods

Some popular Agile methods Scrum is one of the most popular Agile methodologies, widely use in software development projects. It focuses on dividing the project into short cycles call Sprints (usually lasting from 1 to 4 weeks). Each Sprint starts with a planning session and ends with a review meeting to review and improve the process. The most important aspect of Scrum is the use of Sprints and optimizing product development time to achieve the goal (Product Goal).

Scrum includes three basic principles:

Transparency – Inspection – Adaptation. Therefore, this job function email list model is favore by managers when there is a need to improve teamwork efficiency.

Scrum Method

Some popular Agile methods The Kanban method is also part of a pull system, helping to control what is produce, in what quantity, and when. The goal is to ensure that how to improve the economics of sales on the website and marketplaces production is exactly what the customer wants, with neither too much nor too little. It is a signal system use in the value stream to convert products from customer demand into raw materials and other components need for production.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming (XP) is an Agile methodology that focuses on improving software quality and adaptability to changing requirements through rigorous engineering practices. XP operates on the idea of ​​not focusing too much on the long-term future of the product.

It is an approach that prioritizes customer satisfaction

Above all else, and fosters trust by accepting changes in b2b reviews  customer requirements, regardless of how they occur in later stages of the cycle. XP also emphasizes teamwork, with issues being addresse by the entire management team, software developers, and customers.

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