The first decision you have to make before moving forward and building forms is between lead quantity and quality.
If quantity is important to you, the form should be short. More leads will fill out a shorter form with fewer fields. And if you’re not sure of the exact number, Gartner suggests that 3-5 questions are best for higher conversion.
if you’re looking at leads
from a qualitative standpoint, develop a longer, even industry community multi-step form to attract leads with high purchase intent. Because only leads seriously interested in your product will take the time to fill out a long form.
Here are three more questions you should ask specific database by industry yourself when creating lead capture forms:
What attracts customers to your brand, product, or solution?
How does your offering solve buyer pain points?
Finding answers to these questions will twd directory help you craft better, more relevant copy.
As for the information you can seek from leads, here are two examples, for B2B and B2C, that will give you an idea.