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We surf the web for more than three hours a day on our smartphones

Mobile users are increasingly addicted to their smartphones . Accoing to the 2023 report from data.ai! a mobile data analysis platform! the French! for example! spend an average of a quarter of their day on their smartphone! or just over 3.6 hours per day.

This duration of exposure to smartphones is similar to that of the previous three years and is in line with the European average! close to the durations of exposure to mobile phones in Spain (3.6 hours)! Germany (3.4 hours) or Italy (3.8 hours)! accoing to the same report available at this address .

257 billion applications

Globally! it gets even worse

For example! in Indonesia! mobile users spend nearly six hours a lawyer database day behind their smartphone screen. In Thailand! the average time is 5.5 hours. In Argentina! Saudi Arabia and Brazil! the average time is around 5 hours! while in the United States! the average time is around 4.4 hours.

The report also states that 257 billion apps were however, if you don’t go for the barebones version downloaded in 2023 on iOS! Google Play or other marketplaces! especially Chinese ones! or 489!000 downloads per minute. The mobile app industry recoed a turnover of $171 billion! growing by 3%.

The Data.ai 2023 report.
The Data.ai 2023

Beware of excesses

Attention! Perplexity.ai reminds We surf the web for us list of us mobile phone numbers databases that intensive use of smartphones also has consequences on health. Headaches! fatigue! red eyes! sleep or vision disoers are proven effects of smartphone use.

Accoing to the same AI! it is recommended to regularly clean your smartphone to avoid self-infection and to use the special modes offered on these devices to filter the “blue light” from screens! which can affect the duration and quality of sleep. A forewarned mobile user is worth two.

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