Kristin Luck, director of Decipher , indicates that there is still a lot of emphasis on apps in mobile research; “the future is much more than apps”. Decipher’s experience is that 25%-30% of the response comes in via mobile if there is a choice between online and mobile. Some success factors for translating online questionnaires to mobile questionnaires are: short questions, no more than 10 questions and few pages. In addition, use as little as possible ‘other namely’, rating scales and no more than 3 columns in questions. It is important mexico telegram data to find a good balance between user-friendliness and the research questions you want to ask.
Measuring emotions
Through traditional research it is difficult to determine people’s emotions. In order to measure emotions it is necessary to do ‘in the moment’ research. New insights from neuropsychology tell us that by showing photos in a very short response time, people’s emotions can be measured. Forbes Consulting calls this technique the ‘MindSight Emotional Assessment’. MindSight has a library of photos that represent certain emotions. By showing these photos, for example while people are shopping, it is possible to determine which emotions people have while shopping.
MindSight Emotional Assessment
Five important megatrends
One of the final speakers is Robert Moran, partner at Brunswick Group and author of Leading Edge Marketing Research; reopen firefox tabs using extension 21st Century Tools and Practices. He thinks the questionnaire will survive, but research is shifting from listening to social media, observation and co-creation tools.The future is much .
He shows us 5 important megatrends:
Data abundance
A shift from asking to observing
Democratization: customers are increasingly being given a say, . The future is much for example through co-creation
Convergence: Market research is shifting towards consultancy. It is no longer just about market research, but about a total picture singapore number of the customer, which also includes social media analytics, CRM data and community data.