If a newer version of Microsoft Edge is available , the browser automatically begins updating. During this process, it no longer displays the version you’re using. Instead, it shows the progress of downloading the latest version, and when it’s complete, it gives you the option to restart and use the latest version on your computer.
Restart to update Microsoft Edge to the latest version
If you’re using an Android phone, go to the Microsoft Edge app page on Google Play . If you’re using an iPhone, go to the browser’s page on the App Store . If you’re using the latest version of Edge , you’ll see an Open button below line database the app’s name. If you’re not using the latest version, you’ll see an Update button. Tap it and wait for the latest version of Microsoft Edge to download and install on your device.
Update Edge from Google Play or App Store
Once the update is complete, you can continue using Microsoft Edge .
What version of Microsoft Edge are you using?
Now you know how to find out the version of Microsoft Edge you are using, both on your Windows PC (or laptop) and on your hugely popular in the us smartphone, regardless of brand. Before you close this guide, feel free to comment and share your specific version. Is it the same version as your Android smartphone or iPhone? Use the options below and let me know.
Advanced settings If you see
2. In the Versions section, use the Keep copies of files drop-down list to select how often you want to create backups (from every 10 minutes to once a day).
3. Then use the Keep saved central african leads versions drop-down list to choose how long to keep the backups (from Until space is needed to Forever).
4. After making changes, click ” Save Changes “.
Save changes
5. Click ” Run Now ” in the File History window to start the backup immediately.
That’s all.