The facts: a fruit fly appears suddenly, lives for an average of eight to ten days and can produce about 500 to 900 offspring in that short life.
We call them customer flies. It is unclear where the customer flies come from. One day there is a first fly. If the offer goods are attractive, qatar telegram data a swarm is form in no time. Apparently they were nearby, but the new ‘being nearby’ is not express in terms of distance because customer flies do not know the concept of distance. The only dimension is that of time. Customer flies have develop a lightning-fast mechanism to
A inform each other of bargains that matter
Yesterday offers that didn’t exist an hour ago can buzz in customer fly land in no time. Signals are given with Twitter, there is some chatter about it with Facebook and you can find nice pictures with it. With the same ease with which a customer fly comes, it also disappears again. When the party is over, it goes to the next party, or if halfway through the wine has gone sour or has been consum, the customer fly will pack its bags or die. They are ruthless in this. They know no loyalty.
Customer flies are as loyal to their
A supplier as a banker is to his customer. Yeast cells are everywhere, the yeast of a plum is . Customer fly mechanism effort singapore number lessly interchangeable with the yeast of an apple. Yes, a customer fly can return to a supplier in a next life if he goes into his afterlife with good memories. The relationship between a supplier the evening of the next day arrived and a customer fly has chang into .