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How the business idea was born

It was January 2021. By that time, the startup had grown into a financial and investment group. We were no longer “fevered” by the personnel problem — the team worked like a Swiss watch. Then I realized that I could help other companies solve the problem of forming successful teams. This is how the idea of ​​an industry marketplace appeared, where the services of the best business coaches would be presented.

From idea to implementation

So, I had a hypothesis that was incredibly exciting, but required testing.

I made a list of people with whom I could discuss the idea. These were business owners and managers of various sizes, top managers, HR, representatives of corporate universities, business coaches. As a result, I had the entire pool of problems of customers and performers on hand.

Then I met with coaching associations and business schools. I studied how and for what business projects they select performers. The basic mechanism of selection became clear.

All that was left was to put these

Two puzzles together into one picture: to implement an algorithm for automatically selecting a coach for a business task on an online special database platform. I felt like I had seen something similar somewhere. Exactly! A scoring model that banks use when deciding whether to issue a loan. Everything started spinning!

Lifehack #1
Don’t give up business idea your past experience. Even if it seems to you that it lies in a completely different professional field. Use all your knowledge. It is at the intersection of competencies that innovative solutions are born.

The power of the environment

I told my husband about the idea. He was all for it and said it was a great solution. I was greatly supported business idea by 4 principles and 12 rules to follow in the agile model  a former colleague, an experienced  adb directory HR specialist Alexander Glushkov. It turned out that he had serious expertise in creating marketplaces. Moreover, he was ready to help connect me with the world of corporate HR. Another success on the way to the goal.


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