Now we are making videos for the largest international and Russian brands: Samsung, Hyundai, LG, Avito and others. I can’t believe that this year we already have our first serious anniversary.
The company currently employs more than 10 people. In addition, we cooperate with a large number of freelancers on a permanent basis and are actively scaling the business.
Find your professional calling and build
A business around what you are truly interested in.
To start your own business, you need to have strong motivation and relevant professional experience.
If you don’t have the resources you need, find them or a way to get by without them.
At first, accept any support that middle east mobile number list your relatives and close people are ready to give you.
Remember that for a businessman, self-confidence and independence from the opinions of others are important qualities.
Monitor the company’s growth dynamics and expand your staff in a timely manner.
If you want it done well, then do it yourself.
Be prepared to face challenges along the way and be resourceful in overcoming them.
One head is good, but two are even better
Your company is your team. Temporary personnel solutions should perform a supportive function for a relatively loyal and proven team.
I spent 20 years Beginning Entrepreneurs building a financial career in the corporate sector. Finance was my passion and I must admit that it was reciprocated. Taking on a new project, I was faced with the task of how to assemble a cohesive team.
This issue Beginning Entrepreneurs became acute when my partner and I founded our own financial and investment company. It agile model – the loop model favored by businesses today was a complex startup, where adb directory completely different people joined. The company grew faster than the employees. In the first two years, we almost completely re-assembled the staff several times. It was then that I realized that there is a very useful tool for creating effective teams – coaching.