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Are getting darker and heavier

A suppose you were to translate the media course culture to the automotive industry. Then we would soon have to learn to drive again for each new car model… As if the passenger car model requires different driving skills each time. The latter is of course not the case. And that is why we do not do the former. Where does the habit in communication come from to have to learn to send again for each new medium ? This says something about the focus and added value of ‘the’ profession – and what can shift in that.

The clouds above the communications profession

Meanwhile, our environment is increasingly about communicating, participating, interacting. This is where things like support come about (Support never comes about on the basis of a media command – and how often is that still the expectation, expressed in a communication media plan?). The interactive trend no longer fits into the away-from-you model, in which we often encounter key words such as #direction and #control over #message , #visibility and #reputation.  of communication tools. It is good to poland telegram data  realize that this change has less and less to Are getting darker  do with communication as a media profession. At least, if nothing changes in (the focus of) that profession.

The clouds above the communication profession

A are getting darker and heavier. A shower is definitely coming. We just don’t know exactly when it will break, and that same evening, the staff presented the report to johann whether it will be rain or hail. What we can know is that showers never fall away from you, but always over you. Join the discussion about singapore number professionalization of the communication profession and education, leave a comment below or come to one of the #commbat sessions . The calendar is on Facebook .

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