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You should try to think long-term when doing things

Male host: When facing these setbacks, do you have any ideas or experiences to share with us?

Duan Yongping:

Actually, there is.  I think it’s important not to let important things become urgent things. It would be troublesome if you were answering the phone all day long. I don’t have this problem now. In fact, I basically stopp answering the phone a long time ago to avoid too many urgent matters. For example, when it comes to exercising, you can’t wait until your health fails before seeing a doctor. While seeing a doctor and getting regular checkups are important, the key is prevention. I remember doing a program in Beijing before, call “Moments of Crisis”. I don’t know if you notic, but I was often interview at that time.

They ask me, what would I do in a crisis?

I said, if I am driving a car at a spe of 200 kilometers kazakhstan phone number list per hour, and there is a wall 20 meters ahead, I will definitely You should try hit it, so what should I do? There is actually no way out, you are doom. Then they ask me, what should I do? I suggest that the most important thing is not to drive so fast, why hit the wall? Get a nice car, like a tank, and solve the problem in the long run.

Everyone likes to watch moments

Of crisis and people remain calm in the face of danger, but this is not necessarily meaningful. To prevent this situation in advance, safety first. It will be too late to find a solution by then, so we must prepare in advance.

Female host: Mr. Duan, from your You should try perspective, how country email data big an impact does information asymmetry have on investment and choices?

Duan Yongping:

For me, information asymmetry does not have aero leads much impact on stock trading, unless there are people who hope to buy and sell immiately and make money that they shouldn’t make.

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