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Everyone can use media & information tools

Transparency has been an emerging theme for 10 years, it gnaws at the paradigm of away from you. Nowadays, image formation can no longer be order via formal mia mouthpieces. Yet the latter is often still the main task and mission of average communication mia advisors, where candles have been lit for decades at the trinity of knowlge, attitude and behavior. And at the feasibility and manageability of this with mia policy.

Social Mia Censorship: Corporate Mubarak

For the time being, the reflex of communication supervisors to the liberalization of communication technology and the democratization of mia and communication tools is still a call for more control, more procures, and – in the most extreme case – undisguis repression in the form of corporate censorship. Last year it was briefly  new zealand telegram data fashionable to issue special Twitter ordinances or guidelines – official communication regulations against Twitter behavior of employees that did not fit in with the corporate image. It was a minor Communications hype. Dagblad Spits recently publish an article entitl ‘ Censorship of NS personnel ‘ (Spits, March 15, 2012), in which corporate censorship practices for employees who are active on social mia were report. In doing so, the carrier profil itself as a corporate Mubarak, who wants to keep the digital corridors clean. That is to say, clean of criticism and dissenting voices, which can resonate in NS-critical #hashtags.


The contradiction between the ne for mia

A control and the pursuit of innovative visibility regularly leads to conflicting communication mia policies,  Everyone can use  which sometimes result in publicity self-flagellation, such as the social mia censorship at the Dutch Railways. Being able to show the use of social mia – as visible proof of innovation – fits perfectly into the old you-away-from-you paradigm, in which the meaning and visibility communicat away from you lead to reputation, image and turnover.

But the consequences of social mia – digital interaction, dealing with opposing voices and autonomous  security tales: atm attack communication behaviour of employees and customers – do not fit into that model. The fact that employees use social mia and #twittertags in their own interaction behaviour singapore number sometimes works like a r rag to an already wound bull. The question is who that bull is in this analogy:

or is it the client/management who more or less instructs the mia professional to shoot his or her own colleagues.

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