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The first thing I checked was how well the RT-AX86U

ASUS RT-AX86U Pro – Multi-Client Stress Test using 5 client devices – Simultaneous 1080p streaming and heavy web browsing (5GHz 80MHz) – Focuses on 1080p streaming.

Pro handled five clients simultaneously streaming The first thing I checked 1080p video and heavy web browsing. As you can see from the graphs, WiFi 5 clients struggled a bit more than the others, while WiFi 6 and 6E devices managed to stay below 100ms for longer.

ASUS RT-AX86U Pro – Multi-Client Stress Test using 5 client devices – Simultaneous 1080p streaming and heavy browsing (5GHz 80MHz) – Focuses on heavy browsing.

But at least 5% of the time it was still above 100ms, so it’s not exactly stellar performance. As we’ll see in a minute, it’s still better than 4K streaming and cameroon telegram data heavy web browsing. Before that, let’s look at the high browsing performance while simultaneously running 1080p streaming. The WiFi 6E client latency disappeared almost immediately, but remained below 1.5s. If you’re patient enough, that’s still an “acceptable” result. As for the other clients, they did a decent job.


ASUS RT-AX86U Pro – Multi-Client Stress Test using 5 client devices – Simultaneous 4K streaming and heavy browsing (5GHz 80MHz) – Focuses on 4K streaming.

Now moving on to 4K streaming and heavy browsing, we see that almost all client devices were above 100ms all the time, so the user will experience 5 surefire ways to improve brand promotion buffering quite often, especially on WiFi 5 client devices. Heavy browsing suffered a bit, with the WiFi 6E client device lasting over 1.5s about 1% of the time.


ASUS RT-AX86U Pro – Multi-Client Stress Test using 5 client devices – Simultaneous 4K streaming and heavy browsing (5GHz 80MHz) – Focuses on heavy browsing.

The two WiFi 5 clients also performed slightly worse than the WiFi 6 laptops, but still provided acceptable performance most uae phone number of the time.

4K Streaming, Intensive Browsing, Downloading, and VoIP Tests
I haven’t tested the ASUS RT-AX86U The first thing I checked Pro and RT-AX88U Pro with simulated download traffic, but I decided to add it to the ECW536 and now the RT-AX86U Pro. It changed things up a bit from the previous tests, as now I had two clients streaming 4K, two actively browsing the web, and one continuously downloading 10MB files.

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