Blogging Tools to Improve Your Workflow


If you want to make the most of your time blogging, choose the right tools because they’ll save you a lot of money and effort. But there are a lot of tools out there—and not all of them are worth it. Well, I’ve been blogging for over a decade and have used hundreds of tools in that time. To help you sort the wheat from the chaff, I’ll list all the tools I’ve used to grow several blogs to a six-figure income—and what each of them is useful for. Blogging Tools What it is: A content management system (CMS) to build your website and publish blog posts. Why I love it: It is the most robust, SEO-friendly CMS on the market.

Because it’s open

Source and so popular, you can do almost anything with WordPress with the right plugins or a good web developer. I’ve been using it since I started my first executive email list blog at 15. It’s not the easiest blogging tool for beginners, but it’s much more powerful than “beginner-friendly” website editors like Wix or Squarespace once you learn how to use it.What it does: Uploads articles from Google Docs to WordPress in one click. Why I love it: Google Docs has hidden code that’s brought over when you copy-paste content to WordPress. Wordable fixes that by uploading the document to WordPress while keeping the formatting but removing the extra code.

Blogging Tools cleans up

And optimizes your images.Why I love it: I use ChatGPT for researching and outlining a lot of my content. It can help you identify topics or ideas you didn’t think IT Email List about in your initial content outline. I have also started playing with it to improve my content and my life in general, such as using it to help me come up with road trip itineraries for specific needs—like finding the best routes based on weather and areas with free camping—then turn that trip into a blog post and social media videos.

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